Friday 11 December 2009

No red, green, blue and brown please.

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
A friend of ours asked me who is the taster of my cakes and voluntered to be my guinea pig. His birthday was coming, so I thought it would be nice to make him a cake then.

At the wedding of my sister in law and brother in law they had red, green, blue and brown colored pancakes. From then on, the boys don't like any food with red, green, blue and brown in it. So I've made him this green, blue, yellow and red (details) cake.

The 3 in top is made by my husband and the 1 is made by my daugther. :) This cake is a real present made by the three of us.

It's the first time I've tried out this marble technique and also the first time I've tried to fill a half round cake. Of course it's filled by the overall favorite filling, strawberry jam and strawberry mousse.

1 comment:

  1. Whahaha! how nice is this cake and your writing about it!
    How does it taste?
