Friday 11 December 2009

No red, green, blue and brown please.

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
A friend of ours asked me who is the taster of my cakes and voluntered to be my guinea pig. His birthday was coming, so I thought it would be nice to make him a cake then.

At the wedding of my sister in law and brother in law they had red, green, blue and brown colored pancakes. From then on, the boys don't like any food with red, green, blue and brown in it. So I've made him this green, blue, yellow and red (details) cake.

The 3 in top is made by my husband and the 1 is made by my daugther. :) This cake is a real present made by the three of us.

It's the first time I've tried out this marble technique and also the first time I've tried to fill a half round cake. Of course it's filled by the overall favorite filling, strawberry jam and strawberry mousse.


Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
November and december, I've noticed, are very busy months. Not only we have the holidays, we also have a lot of birthdays!

This cupcaketower, I've made for my dear auntie. I've used 3 different kind of flavours. So we had Stracciatella, Dutch stroopwafel and Almond.

Flowers for my 50 year old auntie

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
No need to tell what's the age of the receiver of this cake.

On our way to the restaurant we got some nice comments from people passing by. "Wow, nice, someone's 50!!" But my dad, who actually saw me making and decorating this cake, didn't notice I've put the flowers in a 50 shape untill we were at the restaurant.

It's the first time I've used Marsmellow fondant for covering the cake. It really taste very nice, but is also very sweet. The flowers I've made out of marzepin and the cake was filled with strawberry jam and strawberry mousse.


Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
My daugther loves Miffy, she has a lot of books, dvds and cds from her. I've bought Miffy cookie molds on the internet, so, I thought it would be nice to make some Miffy cookies.

Unfortunately, they look very nice, and they taste also very nice, but they we're much to hard. I might have left them to long in the oven...

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Happy 50th Birthday

Originally uploaded by mamaofmelissa
My uncle asked us to come for a snack on his 50th Birthday, and my aunt liked to surprise him. But he just called us 2 days before the party, so I didn't had enough time to shop ingredients and bake and decorate him a cake. So I've made him this small grandpa doll out of marzepin.

Uncle Ad, Happy 50th Birthday...